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About Us



Our future is our youth, therefore, it is our desire to help fortify and secure the place where they can best learn and grow; the community. The 405 Boyz will provide positive guidance through shared life experiences and a wide variety of embedded core values which we commit to living and follow daily.


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To provide inspiration and positive guidance while enabling all youth in the greater community to reach and achieve their full potential as productive, passionate and responsible citizens.



Founded in 2003, The 405 Boyz is the realized vision of childhood friends. In the beginning, The “Boyz” all avid OU football fans, convened yearly for the Red River Showdown in Dallas, TX, as a time of fellowship, camaraderie and networking.  Soon thereafter, it was realized that the collective talents of the group were numerous and a shared desire to serve the community and mentor young people was conceptualized. The “Boyz” are a testament to the benefits of mentoring programs, organized sports, education, hard work and ongoing endurance. As a result, all are productive, contributing members of society. Selfless Service has become the day to day motto of the "Boyz". Understanding the need to “pay it forward” resulted in the establishment of The 405 Legacy Foundation, Inc. which is the non-profit parent company. The “Boyz” in conjunction with Legacy, are focused on reaching out to the community through various events and service projects. "We are our brother’s keeper"!


Loyalty -

The 405 Boyz have an unswerving allegiance to the organization and its laws, ideals, and defining principles 


The 405 Boyz are regarded as embodying or affording force, the capacity for exertion and endurance, the power of resisting attack and having the quality/state of being strong


The 405 Boyz believe that all people should act with warmth and equality toward one another, regardless of differences in race, creed, nationality, etc.


The 405 Boyz have a true loyalty and complete trust in God. We have an assurance, conviction and true belief that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Selfless Service

The 405 Boyz truly believe that Service before self signifies the proper ordering of priorities.


The 405 Boyz exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior; to never lie, cheat or steal; to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; to promote dignity; and respect others.


The 405 Boyz embrace and strive to follow a set of values that have the notion of completeness and wholeness; uprightness; honesty, sound moral principles and character.

Personal Courage

The 405 Boyz depict the premier virtue that enables perseverance despite fear, danger, or adversity. Personal courage includes the notion of taking responsibility for decisions and actions.  It involves the ability to perform critical assessments, to confront new ideas and to change course when necessary. 

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